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5 benefits of PR

Why PR?

Having a product or service is pointless if no one knows about it!

Consumers are exposed to anywhere between 4,000 and 10,000 brand messages every day.

Public Relations can help you cut through the noise, get noticed and more importantly be remembered.

Did you know 71% of consumers more likely to buy a product from a brand they recognise? They’re even more likely to support your business if they can connect with your journey.

That said, ‘Brand Awareness’ isn’t the only reason to engage a publicist…

1. Improved SEO

To feature higher in organic search you need a number of factors working for you, (e.g. fresh and updated website copy, keywords, etc) one of them being backlinks – the more backlinks the better and ones from reputable sites (like The Age/Sydney Morning Herald) help you rank higher.

2. Building an emotional connection with customers

Where a typical advertisement might be directly selling your product, PR is often sharing your journey and story to help people connect with and you and your brand

3. Content marketing

By freely sharing knowledge and insights with your audience, you can generate interest in your brand and contribute to wider conversations within your industry. Consistently add value by sharing your time and expertise to build a following.

4. Positioning yourself as an expert

By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you can position yourselves as an authority in your space. With a considered strategy, you can own certain narratives and become the ‘go-to’ person or company for comment around a specific topic(s). This can also a be a great vehicle to land speaking opportunities.

5. Trust and credibility

Ever seen an ‘as seen on’ section of a website and instantly felt more comfortable about buying from them? Third party endorsement from reputable publications goes a long way towards reassuring customers, investors and other stakeholders of the legitimacy of your brand.